
Ethical and social Issues
Science is limitless, it goes as far as your creativity. Especially when concerning embryonic stem cells, these are pluripotent, characterizing them as a universal-cell that has limitless possibilities making a powerful advancement in the world. This not only concerns scientists as they make rise and conquer the intellectual world, but also promotes health to those who are unfortunate and require medical attention. Allowing for better medical care in America may allow countries around the world to learn as well, saving millions of people.
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Legal Issues
Stem cell research has remained a topic of controversy throughout the years as it is a thriving field of the science world, it is also the subject of criticism as debates have been ongoing after the 2001 restriction on funding for embryonic stem cell research in the US by President Bush had been lifted in 2009 by President Obama. Not ot mention the Court of Justice of the European Union banned the research licensing on human embryos claiming that it ‘“would be contrary to…morality.” It seems it may be awhile until religious bodies and federal unions got on board in this new discovery that may result in the health and well-being of millions.
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