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Stem Cells

What are Stem Cells?

Stem Cells are unspecialized cells that have the potential to develop into any of the human body’s 200 other cell types with specific functions, such as a muscle cell or brain cell. Through cell division, stem cells are capable of renewing themselves, regularly dividing to repair and replace damaged tissues in certain parts of the body. Stem cell research studies these cells’ remarkable ability to differentiate into any type of cell to, in the future, be able to treat neurological problems from damaged neurons, treat diabetes and heart attack injuries, and replace any tissue or organ.

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Stem Cell Video Overview

Ted-Ed's Basic Overview on Stem Cells

Craig A. Kohn of the YouTube channel, TED-Ed, describes the different types of stem cells, their functions, and how researching them can help cure various diseases, and establish future medical procedures and personalized medicine.
(Video 1)

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“Stem Cell research can revolutionize medicine, more than anything since antibiotics.”

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Ronald Reagan

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